Dharmasraya Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center (DSTRC)

Dharmasraya Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center (DSTRC)

YAD Chairperson Hashim Djojohadikusumo (HSD) cares so much for endangered species prompting him to establish the Dharmasraya Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Centre (DSTRC). The Center was built on a 10-hectare land which is a part of the 27,000 hectares of palm oil plantation of PT Tidar Kerinci Agung situated in two regencies in West Sumatra and one district in Jambi province. The Center consists of seven breeding cages for post conflict tigers that are ready for release. It’s also equipped with clinics and animal breeding facilities for other native Sumatran animals. Also in the same plantation is a 2,400 hectare conservation forest of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo.

The Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris sumatrae) is one of five sub-species of tiger (Panthera Tigris) in the world that still survives. These animals are categorized as increasingly rare and threatened. The current number of tigers living in the wild is approximately only 400-500. The endangered Sumatran tigers are also the only sub-species of tigers that still belong to Indonesia after two of their brothers, the Bali tiger (Panthera Tigris balica) and the Javan tiger (Panther Tigris spondaic) have been declared extinct.

The development of DSTRC is based on cooperation agreements between Balai Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Sumatera Barat (BKSDA) and PT TKA that pointed YAD as an implementor. HSD won the Kalpataru Award on June 2014 as a recognition for his action in various environmental conservations.

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