Prof. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo Conservation Area (AK-PSD) is a conservation area within the territory of PT Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) and under the management of Dharmasraya Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center (PR-HSD). AK-PSD employs a team of researchers whose responsibilities include conducting research and managing conservation efforts around the area, and also a team of Wanadhyaksa (forest ranger), whose responsibilities are to patrol the area and ensure the security of both AK-PSD ARSARI and PR-HSD as well as all the wildlife inside. AK-PSD is measuring around 2.400 ha, spanning across three regencies (Dharmasraya, South Solok, and Muara Bungo). This area is directly adjacent to Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), a green zone and conservation area according to cooperation agreement between Arsari Djojohadikusumo Founation and PT TKA regarding the management of Prof. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo Conservation Forest within Cultivation Right on Land no. L.313/Dirut-TKA/12.17; no. 170A/YAD/XII/2017 under PT. Tidar Kerinci Agung signed on 15 December 2017.

According to the flora and fauna database maintained by AK-PSD, the area is home to 225 kinds of plants, 52 species of mammals, 27 species of reptiles, 29 amphibians, 82 species of birds, 23 species of fish, and 25 species of insects. AK-PSD initiated several programs related to the environment such as Ecosystem Protection, Management of Ecosystem and Conflict Mitigation between Humans and Wildlife. Ecosystem Protection include patrolling around the area, sweeping for snares, gathering materials in the forest, and facilitating law enforcement in the forest. They also manage the ecosystem through Identification, Inventory and Monitoring Fauna and Flora, Recovering Critical Land from Illegal Logging. The team also handles consultation with regional government and Team KEE from PT TKA, as well as education and research activities with academics. The third program is conflict mitigation between wildlife and humans.

We hope that AK-PSD can be a safe haven for wildlife and a home to many different kinds of plants, to provide the important carbon for Indonesia, as well as a place to learn about the world of conservation.