Sumitro Djojohadikusumo: Patriot, Economic, Teacher
Author: Mariana Gabor Warokka Category: Pendidikan Publisher: Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusumo Published: ISBN: 978-602-70039-0-1
SUMITRO DJOJOHADIKUSUMO (1917-2001) was a towering figure in twentiet-century Indonesia, who played a major role as a patriot struggling for his country’s independence, as the doyen and elder statesman of Indonesia economists and one of the principal architect’s of post-independence economic police, and as a beloved teacher who pioneered social science education and was instrumental in shaping the careers of several generations of economists. A team of writers and researchers led by respected journalist Aristides Katopo spent months interviewing the late Prof. Sumitro and others who knew him in producing this important biography, now finally made available in English.