PENELITIAN ARKEOLOGI TERPADU INDONESIA (PATI) V SITUS MANYAREJO DESA MANYAREJO, KECAMATAN PLUPUH KABUPATEN SRAGEN 08 AGUSTUS 2023 Pertemuan Arkeologi Terpadu Indonesia (PATI) V, 2023 merupakan ajang perjumpaan penelitian di lapangan Selengkapnya
Inauguration of Klinik Bunga Arsari
Klinik Bidan Yuni, now called Klinik Bunga Arsari is a small and modest community health center located in Dusun Sungapan, Argodadi, Sedayu District, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Operated by midwife Tri Wahyuni Selengkapnya
YAD Hosts Dramatic Readings of Babad Diponegoro
For this edition, we would like to present to Wadah Newsletter readers the following YAD activities: the first, relating to the cultural preservation of the Autobiographical Chronicle of Prince Diponegoro Selengkapnya
Hashim Djojohadikusumo Awarded the Kalpataru Award 2014
“We have the right to clear the forest for planting, but we have decided to conserve hundreds of big and rare trees growing in that forest,” – Hashim, said The word Selengkapnya
Inauguration of the Sumitro Djojohadikusumo Resource & Learning Center (RLC- FEUI)
The Faculty of Economics of the University of Indonesia (FEUI) Library was established in 1951 as a support facility for study, teaching and research at the school of economics in Selengkapnya
Wayang World Puppet Carnival 2013
Recognized as national heritage in November 7, 2003, by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Indonesian Wayang stands out as an oral and intangible heritage of Selengkapnya
RSGM Prof. Soedomo Yogyakarta Mendapatkan Hibah CT3D dari YAD
RSGM Prof. Soedomo Yogyakarta mendapatkan hibah satu unit alat untuk mendiagnosis berbagai kelainan pada gigi dan mulut dengan hasil gambaran tiga dimensi (Digital Computed Tomography atau CT3D). Alat seharga 1,2 Selengkapnya
Sekolah Dasar di Banyumas dan Kebumen Mendapatkan Lab Komputer dari YAD
Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 1 Sudagaran, SDN 4 Karangrau, keduanya di Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah dan SDN 2 Jatinegoro di Sempor, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah masing-masing mendapatkan 1 laboratorium komputer, terdiri Selengkapnya
FIB UI Gelar Seminar Hasil PATI II
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Indonesian (FIB UI), dalam rangka Dies Natalisnya yang ke-73, menyelenggarakan Seminar Hasil Temuan Penelitian Arkeologi Terpadu Indonesia II (PATI II) kemaren (12/12) di Kampus FIB UI Selengkapnya
Ketua YAD resmikan SMK YTKA Sungai Talang
Ketua Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusumo (YAD), Hashim Djojohadikusumo, pada 23 Agustus 2013 lalu, meresmikan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) yang berada di tengah kebun sawit PT Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) Sungai Talang, Selengkapnya