Salam lestari!
The June 2021 issue of YAD News paints a new color on the latest happenings in YAD programs. This issue contains reports and interesting articles about the activities of YAD environmental conservation team in West Sumatra, Riau, and East Kalimantan. In addition to factual information, fascinating first-hand accounts are also presented about the development of rehabilitation progress on both orangutans and sumatran tigers, as well as the wealth of vegetation in conservation area managed by YAD.
There is also an article about a surprise birthday gift for Hashim Djojohadikusumo – Chairman of YAD, where we can tune in to the history of YAD’s contributions to cultural conservation activities in DI Yogyakarta.
Meanwhile, there is an interesting article about jewelry by Ariana Embirikos from New York, a global philanthropist who supports YAD’s conservation activities. Embirikos has created a special jewelery collection, which proceeds are to be donated to YAD.
Finally, we would like to thank all those who are involved in the publication of YAD News. We hope that all the information inside can bring fresh spirit and enthusiasm to YAD team and beyond, and be both rewarding and inspiring. Happy reading!
Dr. Catrini Pratihari Kubontubuh
YAD Executive Director